Snow Platform Monitor Released

This post is over a year old, the information may no longer be up to date.

I’ve spent the last few months working on Snow Platform Monitor, so to finally release it to the world feels pretty cool!

Snow Platform Monitor

In version 1(.1) the following features are included.

  • Customizble Logging Levels for more or less information
  • Scheduled Export via SMTP
  • Data Update Job Status
  • Office 365 and Adobe Import Tables
  • SRS Import Date
  • Snow License Manager Server Services
  • Snow License Manager Device Reporting
  • Snow License Manager Service Storage
  • Snow Inventory Server Services
  • Snow Inventory Device Reporting
  • Snow Inventory Processing Directory
  • Snow Inventory Server Storage

The Services check will pull a list of the Services on each of the relevant Snow servers (SLM/SINV), if any are stopped it will alert you within the Excel Spreadsheet by changing the tab color to red

The Device Reporting check will pull a list of the devices that have been inventoried into the system today/yesterday, this essentially confirms if the DUJ is working along with if data is actually being processed.

The Processing Directory check confirms if there is a back log of files in the processing folder, you can set your own threshold so if there is more than 100 files in the folder, it will alert you within the Excel Spreadsheet by changing the tab color to red.

You can download an example output and log files if you wish to look at what the data turns out like.

The application is available for download from GitHub, and any feedback or such is appreciated!