New Month, New Website

This post is over a year old, the information may no longer be up to date.

The real question here is, is anyone really surprised?

At the start of the year I made my own custom CMS. It was great, it had everything I wanted but as time went on and my free time slowly disolved due to covid-caused lockdown ending I started losing time to do the additional updates I wanted.

When I started my own CMS my friend Ron told me that he wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up falling into the WordPress hole and migrating, which to be fair to him, 6 months down the line that nearly happened. I started looking, I started developing a theme and then I thought… why? I don’t like WordPress, I never have, I just don’t “believe” in it. So I started looking around for alternatives, there was Gatsby which I dwindled in but decided against, and then I came across Jekyll. I knew about it, I’d heard about it in the past but I’d never really looked into it and what it could do, so I set up a development environment, made a github repo and well, here we are.

It’s July 2020, and I changed my website again.

Here’s what I’ve learned/done during this triad

  • I love Markdown. I love Markdown a lot.
  • Jekyll is, in a weird way, piss easy to learn.
  • I found a love for SCSS
  • I drank 26 cans of Monster Energy while making this.
  • I’ve starting moving away from being dependent on a Hosting Service minus the odd thing.
  • I finally bought FontAwesome Pro. FontAwesome is sick, and you should totally support them and their work.

There’s a few features in the works that aren’t 100% complete yet, mainly just because I haven’t finished the CSS for them to match the theme that I’ve created vs. standard raw Bootstrap such as the Commenting System, but I’ll be pushing that into Production soon.